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“I want to be with those who know secret things or else alone” – Rainer Maria Rilke

Thursday, May 19, 2011

my new job

I'm late before I even open my eyes
coffee sounds necessary, possibly a bagel
high hopes of magic money in my account as I order my food
the sandwich artists give me my much desired food even though I paid only for brown water
I don't want your bagel charity, but I'll take it 
work...more like zen 
the school bus is serene 
I'm left alone with the rattles and rumbles of this yellow machine 
these roads know me well
we hug the curves and I know just where I stand in the universe
even with my eyes averted down to my most recent love affair of a book
I almost make it a game..."feel inside where you are and then look up to see if you're right"
I am
Engrossed in the adventure in my hands that's pressed between trees, my eyes burn with the promise of tears
tales of siblings is the catalyst 
The breaks whine as we make a halt at the place I used to call school 
I wipe a tear, glancing in the over sized rear view mirror to determine whether the bus driver witnessed my emotion 
as the children fill their seats, my perspective morphs 
book shut along with my emotions 
these children
special needs?
I need them more than they need me 
I make animal noises for a boy in his wheel chair 
This makes him wild, limbs punching the air with joy
never have I heard such a pure laugh 
new tears
I laugh so hard I cry 
I see him
this should be me
doctor ordered.
he is the happiest 
and I know I would be too
bound by a chair or not,we still sing
we sing
we are joyful people
and I am one of them again
stubborn buckles, chair lifts and getting sneezed on
I am alive
children disappear to leave me
again with book, with my silence 
"take it easy" I demand the bus driver as my day concluded itself
he gandered at my crotch
sick man
but I can't be bothered
I'm the queen of the world 

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